Article 20.08, the ethical oddball in the midst of gaming platforms CultureDigitalSociety 4 min.
Article 16.07 Amélie Lachapelle: ‘the digital transition will have to be green or it will not take place’ DigitalSociety 6 min.
Article The WID Summit: the empowerment of women in digital creativity ArtDigitalEntrepreneurship 6 min. 04.06
Article 12.03 Pop-Code, a podcast which deciphers pop-culture cinema and digital technology CultureTechnology 5 min.
Article Eliminalia, the company which cleans the reputations of banks and drug barons DigitalSocietyTechnology 4 min. 26.09
Cover From workshop to industrial wasteland, urban spaces by and for creative spirits ArtCultureEntrepreneurship 11 min. 02.08
Portrait 27.07 Sandra Van de Kamp and Vakah Profana, drag queens unique in their genre ArtCultureSociety 5 min.
Portrait 20.07 Studio Lemercier: combining art and environmental activism ArtSocietyTechnology 5 min.
Portrait Chloé Desmoineaux, a technofeminist to the tips of her gamepad ArtDigitalSociety 5 min. 19.07