Weekly ※ Friday 06.01.23

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Friday is weekly: a summary of what the team has seen, read, listened to and wants to share with you.
Magnetic Flow
We tramped the rough ground of the LaVallée creative space in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean to discover the world of the Scale collective and its Magnetic Flow exhibition. This experience blends electronic music together with light installations, with a dash of robotics and interactivity thrown into the mix. ‘All of this technological mastery is at the service of an object of art,’ claims the collective. All in all, six distinct works are in constant motion and hypnotise us, the mood dark and a touch psychedelic.

Saturday, 21.30, and Adolphe Lavallée street is almost asleep already. Apart from the occasional honking of a klaxon to celebrate the victory of the Atlas Lions, it is quiet. But the further one goes down the street, the more a muffled sound draws our attention. We’ve arrived! The Magnetic Flow experience is beginning.
Without revealing too much about it, we were struck by one installation in particular: the Hulahoop. This artwork offers a kinetic spectacle. Several wooden hoops are spinning round, out of step with each other, forming a caterpillar thrashing about wildly along its whole length. These circles are lit up in order to create a spellbinding spectacle. The installation wants to appear structured and unbending through the use made within it of geometry and of wood. But there is also something gentle about it owing to its curves and its classical music. A delicious mixture.

Our verdict? We loved it! The industrial atmosphere of the site matches the exhibition perfectly. Our advice: go there for a night-time show with a group of friends and get blown away by the DJ set.
Get your thrills in a single email
If you could only subscribe to a single newsletter, it would be L’Émoustille. Every two months (the January issue is out soon, don’t miss it) 4 women, Audrey, Léna, Noémie and Camille, showcase the work of women artists. What you can expect: recommendations and discoveries from anywhere and everywhere. The bonus? The illustrations by Camille, which add zest to the texts. Get your subscription quickly! Promise, you won’t receive any spam in addition to your newsletter.
A declaration in a few clicks
A declaration of love, a covering letter, etc. In a few clicks, the ChatGPT software programme drafts a made-to-measure text for you. Over dinner with friends, we experimented with artificial-intelligence assisted writing. The result was astonishing, even though we only entered a few details about the person we wished to declare our love to: first name, profession and 3 attributes. The outcome? The text is put together well, the syntax is correct and we spotted no spelling mistakes. The (big) drawback? The lack of depth, personalisation and style. After the first test, we were amazed. For the following two, we quickly realised that that the structure of the text is similar and that the sentences do not vary greatly. It lacks everything that makes a text unique: the writer’s style.
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