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When ChatGPT and AIs seduce and slip into your love life…

Article author :

Catherine Coyette

Rédactrice et pigiste freelance depuis 2020, Catherine mixe sa passion de l’événementiel où elle promeut les micro-brasseries artisanales avec l’écriture. Elle forme également des profils variés à la plume. Un brin féministe, la défense du statut des femmes dans la société lui tient particulièrement à cœur. Italienne de naissance, elle s’y échappe chaque année quelques jours. Soucieuse de l’écologie, elle est la reine de la récup’ et des bons plans…

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Open AI’s well-known chatbot, ChatGPT, no longer needs any introduction. This artificial intelligence conversation simulator has astounded people with the multiple uses to which it can be put – even if it has occasionally been at the root of controversial abuses. Artificial intelligence is today evolving within the sphere of pleasure and sex… Especially in terms of adding new features to existing devices, the goal being to spice up your love life.

Before exploring this new use for ChatGPT, let’s take a small detour through “sextech”. “Sextech” is a domain which has emerged recently, a sector in the throes of an orgasm. Even though the digital media have been talking about it since 2016, there is still some confusion about the term. Let’s clarify the concept… “sexual technology” is the use of technologies to liven up all aspects of our sexuality, with a lower risk of mechanical failure. The discipline is concerned with pleasure, but also explores the area of health. It has nothing to do with pornography or porn-tech… 

When surfing the internet you quickly realise that sex start-ups are competing fiercely with each other to offer you ever more interactive and immersive experiences. Without going through the whole array of what’s out there, two examples are:

  • Connected sex tools, such as sex toys controlled remotely by yourself or your partner(s) by means of a smartphone app.
  • The metaverse, which constructs new immersive experiences allowing the curious to explore their fantasies and maximise their pleasure. One example is the Imbue application, a virtual reality game for partners wanting to explore a fun and educational sexuality together.

Intimacy can thus be enriched with the help of sextech…

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Chat GPT, AIs and sextech

Recently, the Singapore-based company Lovense has combined ChatGPT with its remote-controlled sex toy app. Users are now able to generate a 100% personalised erotic story which brings their fantasies to life. 

Are you a romantic, a thrill-seeker, or a fan of ‘talking dirty’? ChatGPT is your partner in pleasure, whispering risqué stories to you whilst adjusting the vibrations of your favourite toy. Have you lost your sparkle? ChatGPT has truly got a solution to everything! Take care not to confuse your partners with their synthetic counterparts, as that might well upset them…

We have also read that AIs may express themselves in the form of latex mannequins, humanoid robots which offer the user the pleasure of personalising their partner.

Precautionary measures…

When it comes to technologies, everything evolves at lightning speed, so it is worth being careful with your data and your privacy, to ensure that your most way-out explorations do remain off-limits to everyone else. Whenever possible, shop with brands that have lots of satisfied users. When it comes to it, we can all get off on a better world… We will conclude by wishing you a lot of fun! Respect yourself and your partner(s). 

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